Honor Committee
The Honor Committee functions as a student-run adjudicatory body to handle all complaints of violations of the Honor Code. Members perform investigations of complaints, represent both sides (prosecution and defense) in the proceedings, and judge cases. Committee members also recommend to the Student Bar Association changes to the Honor Code as needed.
Honor Committee Member terms of appointment run for approximately one year. All 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year Members are appointed in the latter half of the Spring semester to coincide with the SBA elections. 1L Members are appointed in the Fall of their first year. All questions about the Honor Code should be addressed to the Honor Committee Chair, or to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs & Academic Support, Annamaria Nields.
As per Section 5.02 of the Honor Code, Committee members are chosen by the Honor Committee Chair, who is elected by the student body.
Website: http://sls.gmu.edu/honor/
- Ruth Urquhart, Chair
- Dillon Ostlund, Member
- Logan Worrick, Member
- Timothy Wieroniey, Member
- Faculty Advisor: Annamaria Nields