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International Law Journal (ILJ)

The George Mason International Law Journal (ILJ), formerly the Journal of International Commercial Law, is a legal periodical founded in 2008 to further the study of international law while providing international scholars and practitioners a forum to exchange, develop, and publish innovative ideas. ILJ publishes scholarly, concise, and practical material from leading scholars and practitioners to provide a source of authority and analysis for the advancement of uniformity in the field of international law. Published by a select group of student editors at the George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School in Arlington, Virginia, ILJ is uniquely dedicated to the legal issues affecting international law. International Law encompasses issues in a wide variety of legal fields, such as international commercial law, comparative law, human rights law, aviation and space law, and the laws of war and armed conflict. As globalization increases, complex international legal issues arise that require careful consideration, discussion, and development. ILJ is positioned to be at the forefront of these developments, tackling these issues and pioneering the discourse. More than just a journal, ILJ is determined to be an outlet for scholarship and commercial thought on a global scale. The Journal is primarily published online, a medium effective in reaching the Journal’s international audience and reflective of its innovative approach to scholarship.



  • Samantha Petruska, Editor-in-Chief
  • Tayla Hall, Executive Editor
  • Seraphima Morrow, Managing Editor
  • Faculty Advisor: Jeremy Rabkin