Student Life/Services
The Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University provides many support services designed to enhance the law school experience and enable students to take full advantage of the university’s educational and personal enrichment opportunities.
The Records Office maintains the records of enrolled students and provides information relating to schedules, registration, academic programs, readmission, and degree requirements. The Admissions Office retains the files of current applicants and provides information concerning advanced standing for transfer students.
Career and Academic Services provides academic counseling to students on issues such as course selection, obtaining academic assistance, and special needs or disability support. In addition, CAS develops programs to introduce students to the law school’s senior staff, faculty, and alumni. For more information, see Student Academic Affairs.
CAS also provides assistance to current students seeking part-time and summer employment, graduating students seeking permanent positions, and alumni. The office is a clearinghouse for information on available positions, coordinates on-campus interviews, and provides advice on resume preparation, interviewing techniques, and other aspects of a successful employment search. The office also coordinates various alumni activities, including a number of continuing legal education programs and reunions.
Below are additional services offered through the university and law school.
Arts and Entertainment
We encourage law students to take advantage of the activities and services available at our Fairfax Campus. The EagleBank Arena, a 10,000-seat arena, is home to George Mason University sports events, community programs, and concerts. The Center for the Arts and Harris Theater provide world-class arts events, dance, music, and theater performances. The Recreation Sports Complex offers indoor and outdoor tracks and playing fields, a weight room and sauna, volleyball, basketball, and handball courts, and other facilities.
The Mason Square Bookstore, which is managed by Barnes & Noble, provides all textbooks and school supplies for Mason Square, as well as stamps, greeting cards, and gifts. They can be reached at 703-993-8170. The bookstore is located on the plaza level of Van Metre Hall (formerly Founders), directly accessible from the law school atrium doors.
Computing Facilities
In addition to using the computer lounge available in the Law Library, students may use the lab in Van Metre Hall (formerly Founders). Students may also take advantage of computing resources on the Fairfax Campus.
Counseling Services
The Counseling Service’s staff of professional counselors helps students reach their academic, social, and personal goals. Counselors assist in making appropriate choices concerning education and work, developing effective study skills, and managing personal problems that interfere with learning. Services are available at no charge to all university students. Counseling Services is accredited by the International Association of Counseling Services. All services to students are confidential, and no information is released without the student’s written consent.
The Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Multicultural Education, the Disability Resource Center, and Office of Military Services at the Fairfax Campus provide specialized assistance, where a professional staff helps students achieve personal, social, and academic goals. The Student Support and Advocacy Center provides supportive services to student victims of all forms of Sexual and Interpersonal Violence. Sexual assault services are available for both men and women and include information on sexual assault, sexual harassment, and stalking; crisis intervention; psychological, medical, and judicial support; and volunteer/intern opportunities.
Disability Services
George Mason University’s Office of Disability Services (ODS) implements and coordinates reasonable accommodations and disability-related services that afford equal access to university programs and activities. Disability Services is available to serve all students with disabilities, including those with cognitive (e.g., learning, psychological, and closed head injury), sensory, mobility, and other physical impairments.
In order to determine eligibility for services and fully evaluate requests for accommodations or auxiliary aids, ODS requires documentation of the reported disability. Once ODS receives the documentation, it is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Students should visit the ODS website or more information on services and accommodations and documentation guidelines.
Emergency Funding – Stay Mason Support Fund
The Stay Mason Student Support Fund assists matriculated George Mason students who are at risk of not continuing their education due to unexpected financial situations. The fund provides temporary, short-term, financial assistance to students who are managing demanding academic requirements while struggling with debilitating financial circumstances. The Stay Mason Student Support Fund is not intended to provide ongoing relief for recurring expenses, and the financial assistance is not a loan that is expected to be repaid. Information on how to qualify and apply for funding can be found on the Stay Mason Support Fund webpage.
Financial Aid
George Mason University’s Office of Student Financial Aid, located at the Fairfax Campus, provides a variety of services to assist students in financing their education. These services include counseling, referral, and financial assistance through loans, scholarships, and work-study programs. George Mason University participates in the Federal Direct Loan Program.
Students who have questions may call the Direct On-Line Aid Resource System (DOLARS) at 703-993-4GMU, visit the Office of Student Financial Aid on the World Wide Web, or schedule an appointment to meet with a financial aid counselor. The financial aid office also has weekly hours at Mason Square on Tuesdays from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. in Hazel Hall Room 341 (Records Office).
A small number of fellowship grants are awarded to incoming law students each year on the basis of merit. See Scholarship and Fellowship Programs under Financing Your Legal Education for more information.
The Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program (formerly the Virginia War Orphans Program) provides educational assistance to children of qualified veterans. To be eligible, an applicant must meet the following requirements:
- The applicant must be between the ages of 16 and 25.
- The applicant’s parent must have served in the armed forces of the United States and must: (a) be totally disabled due to an injury or disease incurred in a time of armed conflict; or (b) have died as a result of injury or disease incurred in a time of armed conflict; or (c) be listed as a prisoner of war or missing in action.
- The applicant’s parent must have been a resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia at the time of entry into active military duty, or must have been a resident of the state for at least 10 consecutive years immediately prior to the date of application.
- The applicant must provide written verification of acceptance as a student in a state-supported, postsecondary school.
Eligible individuals are entitled to a maximum of 48 months of tuition-free education at a state-supported educational institution. For more information contact the Virginia Department of Veterans Services.
Food Services
Einstein Bagels is located on the plaza level of Van Metre Hall (formerly Founders). In addition, there are numerous small eateries in the vicinity of Mason Square.
Health Services
From diagnosis and treatment of illness and injury to immunizations and prescriptions, Student Health Services provides health care for all currently enrolled Mason students in a caring and confidential environment. The clinic at Mason Square is located in Van Metre Hall, Suite B102. Services are by appointment, please call 703-993-2831 to schedule. There is no charge to be seen by a healthcare provider.  There are fees for some services and procedures, such as lab tests. Law students can be seen at clinics at Mason Square or on the Fairfax Campus, and virtual telehealth appointments are available. Student Health is available to current students, regardless of whether they have health insurance. Students have the option to purchase health and dental insurance policies through the University. For hours of operation and services offered, please visit Student Health Services.
While there is no on-campus housing in Arlington, housing opportunities (rooms, apartments, and houses to rent) in the area are plentiful. Students who do not plan to bring a car may want to seek housing that is near a Metrorail station. Areas within close commuting distance include all of Arlington (particularly the Rosslyn, Clarendon, Court House, and Ballston neighborhoods) and parts of Alexandria and Falls Church.
The most current comprehensive information on housing is available in Sunday issues of the Washington Post and the Washington Times. Individuals with rooms, apartments, or houses to rent also post notices on the bulletin boards near the law school elevator. The University’s Off-Campus Housing web site lists services that assist Mason students with locating housing within the Northern Virginia and Washington metropolitan area.