Legal Clinic - Supreme Court
The Supreme Court Clinic provides pro bono legal representation before the United States Supreme Court. The year-long clinic provides Scalia Law students with the opportunity to work closely with experienced attorneys to identify cases of interest, research legal issues, and draft Supreme Court briefs on behalf of parties and amici at both the certiorari and merits stages.
The Supreme Court Clinic is directed by Thomas R. McCarthy from the law firm of Consovoy McCarthy PLLC. Mr. McCarthy is a 2001 graduate of the law school. Mr. McCarthy previously clerked for Chief Judge David B. Sentelle of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and Judge Frank W. Bullock Jr. of the United States District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina.
In addition to working on Supreme Court cases, students accepted into the clinic will receive classroom instruction, analyze federal and state appellate decisions for possible litigation opportunities, and attend at least one Supreme Court argument per Term.
The clinic is a two semester (fall and spring), graded class, with two credits awarded each semester. Space is limited, and students must have completed Constitutional Law I: Structure of Government in order to be eligible for the clinic. Applications are available through Career & Academic Services.
For more information about the program’s requirements, please see the Information Packet for the Legal Clinic – Supreme Court.