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Legal Clinic - Free Speech Clinic

The Free Speech Clinic provides students with the opportunity to engage in pro bono legal representation of free speech claims under the First Amendment. Clinic students work closely with experienced attorneys to identify cases of interest, research legal issues, and draft motions and briefs. In addition to working with attorneys on cases, students accepted into the clinic will receive weekly classroom instruction on procedural and substantive issues relevant to their cases, federal and state court decisions, and relevant developments in First Amendment law.

Students will be selected to participate in the clinic through an application process prior to class registration. To be eligible, students must submit a 500-word statement of interest, resume, and law school transcript. Preference will be given to students who have completed Constitutional Law I. There are no prerequisites.

The clinic is a two semester (fall and spring), graded class, with two credits awarded each semester. For more information about the program's requirements, please see the Information Packet for the Legal Clinic - Free Speech.