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Utilization of Facilities by the General Public

University Policy Number 1140

I. Scope

This policy applies to members of the general public who enter the Educational enclave of George Mason University. This policy does not apply to students or employees of George Mason University.

II. Policy Statement

George Mason University facilities are intended primarily for the use of its students and employees in their efforts to advance the educational mission of the university. No use shall be permitted that is inconsistent with the mission of the university.

Use of the Educational enclave by the general public is limited to persons having a business or educational reason closely related to George Mason University’s mission and programs to enter the Educational enclave during regular operating hours. Members of the general public who enter the Educational enclave without such a business or educational purpose may be asked to leave and may be restricted from future access to the building.

Guests in George Mason University’s Residence Halls are governed by the Housing Agreement and the Residential Student Handbook.

III. Definitions

“Educational enclave” means that portion of university property in academic buildings, administrative office buildings, student residence buildings, dining facilities, athletic facilities, or child care facilities; or that portion of university property in use for university-sponsored or university-sanctioned sporting, entertainment, or educational events.

“Educational or business reason” means a reason closely related to George Mason University’s educational mission and programs, or related to the buying and selling of goods and services in support of said mission or programs.

“Regular operating hours” are listed at

IV. Compliance

The George Mason University police are charged with enforcing this policy.

Date Approved: 3/3/2016