The Law School’s administrative team is housed at Mason Square, while the university president and provost have offices on the Fairfax Campus. An administrative suite located on the second floor of the law school houses a number of key administrators, including the law school dean. Other administrators have offices throughout the building in their respective departments.
Full contact information for all law school faculty and staff is available on our Directory of People and Offices.
- Gregory Washington President, George Mason University
- James Antony Provost and Executive Vice President, George Mason University
- Ken Randall Allison & Dorothy Rouse Dean & George Mason University Foundation Professor of Law
- David Hull Senior Associate Dean; Associate Dean for Academic Administration
- J. Shahar Dillbary Associate Dean for Faculty Research; Professor of Law
- Victoria M. Huber Associate Dean for Professional Development, Assistant Professor
- Sabrina Huffman Associate Dean for Admissions & Enrollment Management
- Melanie Knapp Associate Dean, Library & Technology; Assistant Professor
- Annamaria Nields Associate Dean for Student Affairs & Academic Support
- Terrence R. Chorvat Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Professor of Law
- Shaun Sutherell Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives
- Ken Turchi Associate Dean for External Affairs
About Scalia Law