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Campus Services

See also: Mason Square 

Mason Square of George Mason University emerged in 1979 when the Virginia General Assembly established the Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University, merging it with the International School of Law, which was housed in the old Kann’s department store building in Virginia Square. The following year, the university established graduate and continuing education programs in the same building.

In 1999, the School of Law relocated to a new building, a 150,000 square-foot educational facility, located nearby at Mason Square. That building is the first of a three-phase plan designed to develop the 5.2 acre site. A new 256,000 square-foot classroom building, Van Metre Hall (formerly Founders), opened in January 2011 and is used primarily to house the School of Public Policy and auxiliary university services.

Course offerings in Mason Square focus on law, economics, and public policy. There are also two non-law academic and research centers located at Mason Square: the Mercatus Center, and the Institute for Humane Studies.

Mason Square Services:

Mason Square Library See also: Law Library

Phone: 703-993-8188
Location: 201 Van Metre Hall (formerly Founders)
This library is a unit of the University Libraries and collects materials in support of non-law academic programs offered in Mason Square including international commerce and business, trade, non-profit management, and education. The Mason Square Library is also a depository for European Union documents.
Mason Square Library Hours

Arlington YMCA

Phone: 703-525-5420
Location: 3422 N. 13th Street
A discounted rate ($2/visit) is available for Mason students with a valid Mason ID. Mason faculty and staff are eligible for a discounted membership rate. For more information, visit the YMCA website or call the number listed above.


Phone: 703-993-8170
Location: 103B Van Metre Hall (formerly Founders). Managed by Barnes & Noble.
The bookstore provides all textbooks and school supplies for Mason Square, as well as stamps, greeting cards, and gifts.
For hours, see the bookstore’s website.

Computer Labs (non-law) See also: Law Library Computer Lounge

Phone: 703-993-8226
Location: Van Metre Hall (formerly Founders), Room 211. Open to all Mason faculty, staff, and students.
Hours: Monday–Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–10:00 p.m.; Friday, 9:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.; Saturday–Sunday, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Copy Center

Phone: 703-993-8141
Location: Founders, Room 114B
The Copy Center provides copy services, transparencies, manuscripts, copying of legal briefs, and library reserve materials. Card operated multifunction printers/copiers are located on each floor. Operated by Canon. See Print Services.
Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m.; Saturday/Sunday Closed

Facilities/Building Maintenance

Phone: 703-993-8150, Fax: 703-993-8149
Location: Van Metre Hall (formerly Founders), B123
Emergency complaints and repairs (i.e. water leaks, power outage, elevator outage) should be called in to the work control desk at 703-993-2525. Then call 703-993-8150 for a duty engineer and leave a message.
Hours: Monday–Friday, 7 a.m.–3:30 p.m. for main crew; Monday–Friday, 3:30–11 p.m. for evening operator; Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m.–11:00 p.m. for weekend operator.

Health Services, Students

Phone: 703-993-2831
Location: Van Metre Hall (formerly Founders), B102
There are nominal fees for lab work, medications, treatments, procedures, or supplies. There is no charge to be seen by a healthcare provider.
For hours at Mason Square, see the Health Services Clinic Hours.

ID Office

Phone: 703-993-9153
Location: Van Metre Hall (formerly Founders), Room 220
Photo ID hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Key Control

Phone: 703-993-8207
Location: Van Metre Hall (formerly Founders), 216.
Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.

Lost & Found

Law Library Circulation Desk and University Police (Van Metre Hall, Room 110).

Mason Money

Phone: 703-993-2870
Location: Fairfax, SUB II
Deposit funds online and use the Mason Photo ID card for a variety of purchases including photocopies, Pay For Print, Mason food services, and the Mason Bookstore.

Mason Square Café

Location: Van Metre Hall (formerly Founders), Main Level
Hours: Monday–Thursday, 8:30 a.m.–7:30 p.m.; Friday, 8:30 a.m.–2:00 p.m.; Saturday–Sunday, closed. For more information on new Mason dining options, check out this press release.

Parking Services

Phone: 703-993-8146
Location: Van Metre Hall (formerly Founders), 219. Operated by Standard Parking
Parking spaces are available on-site for students, faculty, and staff with valid Mason Square parking decals. Parking lot enforcement hours are 7 a.m. to midnight.
For hours, see their website.
See also: Parking Procedures at Mason Square.


Emergency - Dial 911; Phone: 703-993-8070
Location: Van Metre Hall (formerly Founders), Room 110. University Police provides 24-hour police coverage.
For police escort services, call 703-993-8370.

Sexual Assault Services

Phone: 703-993-8186
Location: 222D Van Metre Hall (formerly Founders)
Services available for both men and women include information on sexual assault, sexual harassment, and stalking; crisis intervention; psychological, medical, and judicial support; and volunteer/intern opportunities.

Transportation Website

Phone: 703-993-2828
E-mail:; provides transportation information for Mason Square; compiled by the Transportation Department of George Mason University.