Computer Purchasing Information for Law School
Patriot Tech is the university's retail computer store and is a good source for academic pricing on computers, printers, software, and a variety of accessories. They are managed by Barnes and Noble and are located on the Fairfax campus on the first floor of the Johnson Center. For the most up-to-date pricing, give them a call at 703-993-4100 or send an email to ptech@gmu.edu.
Students who are currently enrolled have free access to Microsoft Office through Mason's email platform Office 365. Students may download the software from Office 365 on up to five computers and five mobile devices.
The university provides faculty and staff with free licenses to a variety of Microsoft products and to Adobe Acrobat Professional for use on Mason-owned computers. Please contact lawsupport@gmu.edu for assistance. Full-time law faculty who are interested in making a computer or software purchase from their professional development account should contact Jose Coradin at jcoradin@gmu.edu.