Mason Email (Office 365)
George Mason provides free email accounts powered by Microsoft Office 365 to all students, faculty, and staff. New students should go to Patriot Pass to obtain a Mason username (also called a NetID) and password.
New students and employees must first set-up their Mason Outlook365 account by following the 1st Login Instructions.Â
NOTICE TO STUDENTS: It is expected that every student regularly check his/her Mason email account, as it is used for all Scalia Law School communications, including emergency notices as well as academic, student organization, physical plant and career information. There are no excuses for missing deadlines or other important information due to failure to read emails sent to student email accounts. If you forward your Mason e-mail to another account, be sure to regularly check your Mason account to make sure that it is NOT over quota and bouncing messages.
Options to Access Email
There are 3 ways to access your Mason email using Office 365:
- Web Access - The easiest way is through the Outlook website. To login, go to mail.gmu.edu.
- Mobile Device - To configure your mobile device, see the instructions for your specific device on the ITS Support page: Mobile Devices.
- Desktop Email Client - The common desktop email clients are Outlook 2016 for Windows and Outlook 2019 for Mac. You must configure your email client to connect to Office 365. See the ITS Support page on Office 365.
Features of Office 365
- a 50 GB email quota
- the ability to send attachments up to 25 MB
- a personal calendar that can be shared with friends and classmates
- a global address book/directory containing all Mason students, faculty, and staff
- easy sync with mobile devices
- access to Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise
- OneDrive for Business with 1TBÂ of cloud-based storage
- Microsoft Teams
Email Address
Your Mason email address is: NetID@gmu.edu.
Mail Forwarding
Students may choose to forward your account via a rule (this can be found under the gear icon). Be aware that your Mason email may get caught and eliminated by the spam filters used by the receiving account. For information on setting up a rule, see Use Rules to Automatically Forward Messages.
IT Support for Email
For assistance during the week, contact the Law Technology Services staff at 703-993-4855 or lawsupport@gmu.edu. The ITS Support Center may be reached at 703-993-8870 or support@gmu.edu. The Support Center's hours are posted on the ITS website.
Email Spam Filter
The university provides an automatic spam filer called IronPort. You will automatically receive daily junk mail summaries from IronPort in your Mason e-mail. You can change settings on your junk mail and view all messages caught in your junk mail filter by going to https://ironport-antispam.gmu.edu/login (login with your Mason e-mail username and password).
Important Links
- Office 365 Email
- Login to Mason Email
- Activating Your Mason Email Account
- Change Your Password (Patriot Pass)
- IronPort Anti-Spam Filter
- ITS Services
- ITS Support Center
Student Listservs
The Law School makes heavy use of student listservs for communicating important information from the law school administration on classes, weather alerts and cancellations, career services information, and school-wide events. The student organizations also send out messages announcing events of interest to law students. Students will be automatically subscribed to the appropriate list before the beginning of each academic year. If you believe that you are on the wrong list or you're not receiving messages, please contact Jose Coradin at jcoradin@gmu.edu.