In The News: 2021
- James Cooper Opines on the Role of Competition and Overdraft Fees
Wall Street Journal (published 12/16/2021) - Robert Leider Comments on Michigan School Shooting
The Patch (Iowa) (published 12/13/2021) - Helen Alvaré Co-Authored Brief Featured in Politico
Politico (published 12/10/2021) - Eugene Kontorovich Submits De Blasio Vaccine Mandate Unlawful
Wall Street Journal (published 12/08/2021) - Eugene Kontorovich Opines on COVID-19 and the Right to Travel
Wall Street Journal (published 12/03/2021) - Helen Alvaré Opines on "A 'Right' Without Constitutional Foundation"
SCOTUSblog (published 12/01/2021) - Ross Davies Participates in Symposium Addressing Judicial Misconduct
Kansas Law Review (published 11/29/2021) - Helen Alvaré Cited in Editorial on Abortion and Equality for Women
Wall Street Journal (published 11/29/2021) - Sean O’Connor Publishes in Music Law & Policy
Oxford Handbooks Online (published 11/23/2021) - Ilya Somin Authors Amicus Brief on Title 42 Public Health Expulsion
Cato Institute (published 11/22/2021) - Amazon Donates $25,000 to M-VETS
Thursday, November 11, 2021 (published 11/12/2021) - Ilya Somin Comments on Supreme Court and Congressional Subpoena Power
The New Yorker (published 11/12/2021) - Adam Mossoff Comments on USPTO Director Nominee Vidal
Bloomberg (published 11/01/2021) - Ilya Somin Opines on Pandemic Migration Restrictions
The Hill (published 10/29/2021) - Donald Kochan Explains “There’s No Climate Change Exception to Free Speech”
The Hill (published 10/28/2021) - Todd Zywicki Interviewed for “COVID & The Constitution”
SCOTUS 101 Podcast (published 10/28/2021) - Ilya Somin Delivers University of Portland’s Schwarten Foundations of Freedom Lecture
UPbeat (published 10/25/2021) - Adam Crepelle Comments on Tribes Left Behind in Louisiana’s Ida Recovery
PBS NewsHour (published 10/22/2021) - Adam Crepelle Discusses Impact of Tribal Conservatorship
Detroit Free Press (published 10/11/2021) - Jennifer Mascott Testifies About Court's Motions Docket Before Senate Judiciary Committee
SCOTUSblog (published 09/30/2021) - Ilya Somin on Empowering Americans to Vote With Their Feet
National Affairs (published 09/20/2021) - Adam Mossoff to Speak at Cato’s 20th Annual Constitution Day Conference
Friday, September 17, 2021 at 1:00 PM (published 09/15/2021) - Adam Mossoff Comments on Bayh-Dole and Drug Prices
Washington Post (published 09/09/2021) - Jamil Jaffer Comments on Screening of Afghan Refugees
Boston News WFXT-TV25 (published 08/24/2021) - Jamil Jaffer Opines on Need for Strong US-EU Partnership to Counter China
Newsweek (published 08/11/2021) - Donald Kochan: “Corporations do good by doing well”
Detroit News (published 08/11/2021) - Ilya Somin Comments on Biden Eviction Policy
The Washington Post (published 08/05/2021) - Jennifer Mascott to Testify on Congressional Oversight & Executive Privilege before Senate Subcommittee
Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at 2:30 pm (published 08/02/2021) - Donald Kochan Op-Ed on Using the Market for Lower-Cost Electricity
Richmond Times-Dispatch (published 07/26/2021) - Eugene Kontorovich Opines on Ben & Jerry’s Israel Boycott
Wall Street Journal (published 07/22/2021) - Donald Kochan Quoted in Article on Threats to Biden Climate Goals
Bloomberg Law (published 07/20/2021) - Ilya Somin Discusses Countering Political Dangers of Immigration
Cato Unbound (published 07/19/2021) - Jamil Jaffer’s Op-Ed on Combating Cyber-Attacks
The Hill (published 07/15/2021) - Paolo Saguato Appointed to European Security & Markets Authority’s CCP Policy Committee
ESMA (published 07/12/2021) - Andy Keiser (NSI) on the Chinese Communist Party Centennial
The Hill (published 07/09/2021) - Donald Kochan on Courts and Climate Policy
The Hill (published 07/08/2021) - Eric Claeys on COVID-19 and Intellectual Property Rights
LibertyLaw.Org (published 07/07/2021) - Ilya Somin Opines on Government Obligations in Seizure of Private Property
The Washington Times (published 07/06/2021) - Ilya Somin: Cedar Point Decision Protect Both Sides
The Hill (published 06/24/2021) - Helen Alvaré Responds to the Supreme Court's 'Fulton' Ruling
Our Sunday Visitor (published 06/22/2021) - Jennifer Mascott’s Scholarship Cited in Thomas Arthrex Dissent
Supreme Court Slip Opinions (published 06/22/2021) - Ilya Somin on Supreme Court’s Affordable Care Act Ruling
The Washington Post (published 06/18/2021) - Ilya Somin Weighs in on Building Border Walls
KTHV (published 06/15/2021) - Ross Davies Discusses The Black Book of Justice Holmes
The Lawbook Exchange (published 06/08/2021) - Jamil Jaffer Writes About Countering China on Technology Innovation
The Hill (published 06/02/2021) - J.W. Verret Expounds on the Texas Pension Bill
The Hill (published 06/01/2021) - Jennifer Mascott Comments on Medicare Case Pending Before Supreme Court
Bloomberg Law (published 05/24/2021) - Eugene Kontorovich on Property Law and Evictions in Jerusalem
The Wall Street Journal (published 05/19/2021) - Thomas Vartanian Argues for New Secure Internet
The Hill (published 05/19/2021) - Jamil Jaffer: Pipeline Cyber Attack a Warning
The Hill (published 05/18/2021) - Helen Alvaré Writes About Biden's Family Work Policy
The Hill (published 05/10/2021) - Ilya Somin Comments on the Qualified Immunity Defense
Law 360 (published 05/03/2021) - Nelson Lund Weighs in on Second Amendment Case
The Washington Post (published 04/29/2021) - Ilya Somin Comments on 1984 Law that Bans Selling Organs
Fox News (published 04/26/2021) - Jennifer Mascott Reviews Book by Harvard Law Professors
Yale Journal On Regulation (published 04/20/2021) - Helen Alvaré Joins Scholars in Supporting Apache's Religious Freedom Case
National Catholic Reporter (published 04/19/2021) - Justices Sotomayor and Gorsuch Discuss Civil Discourse at NSI-CSIS Sponsored Event
Reuters (published 04/15/2021) - Adam Mossoff: “Waiving vaccine patents would imperil public health”
Virginia-Pilot (published 04/14/2021) - Helen Alvaré Receives Paul Ramsey Award from Center for Bioethics and Culture after COVID Delay
CBC (published 04/13/2021) - Todd Zywicki Named Fellow of the American College of Consumer Financial Services Lawyers
ACCFSL (published 04/13/2021) - Helen Alvaré on Church-State Relations
SCOTUSblog (published 04/13/2021) - Ilya Somin Reflects on Biden's Supreme Court Commission
Bloomberg Law (published 04/12/2021) - Ilya Somin on Discrimination Against Asians from Both Left and Right
The Hill (published 04/08/2021) - Ilya Somin on Biden, Syria, and War Powers
The Washington Post (published 03/08/2021) - Adjunct Professor Kelliann Blazek Appointed Special Assistant to President on Agriculture Policy
The Hagstrom Report (published 03/08/2021) - National Security Institute’s Simone Ledeen on US Policy, Egypt and Human Rights
The Hill (published 03/04/2021) - Jennifer Mascott to Discuss SCOTUS Case: Carr V. Saul
The Federalist Society (published 03/03/2021) - Jamil Jaffer Named One of Post’s High-Level Digital Security Experts
The Washington Post (published 02/24/2021) - Eugene Kontorovich cited in Will Opinion Piece on Biden’s Impressive Resistance to China
Washington Post (published 02/19/2021) - Jennifer Mascott to Speak at Annual Originalism Works in Progress Conference
San Diego School of Law’s Center for the Study of Constitutional Originalism (published 02/18/2021) - M-Vets Expands Its Service to Veterans and the Student Learning Experience with American Legion Partnership
George Mason University (published 02/16/2021) - Henry N. Butler Featured at the University of Miami’s Distinguished Alumni Lecture Series
University of Miami Alumni Association (published 02/15/2021) - Jamil Jaffer Comments on Security Briefings for Trump
The Hill (published 02/10/2021) - J.W. Verret Opines on GameStop
The Hill (published 02/10/2021) - Ilya Somin: First Amendment Rights Don’t Matter in Impeachment Trial
The Washington Post (published 02/08/2021) - Eugene Kontorovich on Trump’s Impeachment Trial
New York Post (published 02/08/2021) - Eugene Kontorovich on the Genocide Test Facing the West
Wall Street Journal (published 01/28/2021) - Donald Kochan on Using Risk Assessment Instruments to Reduce Incarcerations
ALI Advisor Blog (published 01/20/2021) - Adam Mossoff Cited for Important Amicus Brief in Significant Copyright Takings Case
Law 360 (published 01/19/2021) - Ilya Somin on Constitutional Reform
National Constitution Center (published 01/19/2021) - Judge Melissa Long ('95) Sworn In As Justice of the Supreme Court of Rhode Island
The Providence Journal (published 01/14/2021) - Paolo Saguato Writes The Unfinished Business of Regulating Clearinghouses
The CLS Blue Sky Blog (published 01/07/2021) - Adam Mossoff Explains Why Price Controls on Drugs Will Hurt Innovators and Patients
NWI Times (published 01/04/2021) - Todd Zywicki Participates on Taskforce on Federal Consumer Financial Law Report
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (published 01/04/2021) - Thomas Vartanian Warns of the Need for Stronger Cyberdefense in Financial Services Industry
American Banker (published 01/04/2021)
In the News
Media Inquiries
Ken Turchi
Associate Dean, External Affairs
(703) 993-8332