In The News: 2020
- Eugene Kontorovich on Moroccan Sovereignty Over Western Sahara
Newsweek (published 12/29/2020) - John Yun on Facebook’s Antitrust Fight in US
Voice of America (published 12/23/2020) - Ilya Somin's Free to Move Named One of the Best Nonfiction Books of 2020
Bloomberg (published 12/22/2020) - Caroline Cecot Comments on EPA’s Cost-Benefit Rule
E&E News (published 12/16/2020) - Judge Melissa Long ('95) Confirmed by Unanimous Vote to Rhode Island Supreme Court
NBC 10 WJAR (published 12/16/2020) - How Immigration Restrictions Harm U.S. Citizens, According to Ilya Somin
The Regulatory Review (published 12/15/2020) - JoAnn Koob Comments on Students’ Right to Protest
Dogwood (published 12/14/2020) - Jeremy Rabkin Comments on SCOTUS Holocaust Restitution-Related Cases
i24News (published 12/07/2020) - George Mason Is One of Five Universities to Receive an A+ for Covid Monitoring
Inside Higher Ed (published 12/07/2020) - Ilya Somin Discusses Similarities Between Immigration Restriction and Racial Discrimination
The Hill (published 12/07/2020) - Ilya Somin Comments on COVID-19 and Property Rights
The Federalist Society (published 12/07/2020) - Sean O’Connor Says Pharmaceutical Patents Must Stand Even for COVID-19
The Hill (published 12/01/2020) - Ilya Somin on How Trump’s Attempted Muslim Ban Expanded Executive Power
Roll Call (published 12/01/2020) - GMU Law Alum and Former CISA Director, Christopher Krebs, Discusses Election Results
The Washington Post (published 11/23/2020) - Thomas Vartanian’s Open Letter to President-Elect Biden on Modernizing Financial Services and the Oversight of the System
American Banker (published 11/23/2020) - Cambridge University Press Appoints Murat Mungan and Nuno Garoupa as Co-editors of New Journal
Elements in Law, Economics and Politics (published 11/20/2020) - Amicus brief by Ilya Somin is cited re: decision to exclude unauthorized immigrants from the Census
The Washington Post (published 11/20/2020) - Jamil Jaffer comments on President Trump’s decision to deny national security briefings to President-elect Biden
CNN (published 11/20/2020) - Steve Ricchetti '79 Tapped As President-Elect Biden's Counselor
The New York Times (published 11/19/2020) - Ilya Somin Comments on the ACA Case Brought Before the Supreme Court
The Washington Post (published 11/12/2020) - Donald Kochan Weighs in on How a Biden Administration Will Influence Climate Litigation
Bloomberg Law (published 11/12/2020) - Helen Alvaré on Fulton V. City of Philadelphia
Scotus Blog (published 10/30/2020) - Ilya Somin: Immigrants Should be Included When Determining House Apportionment
LA Times (published 10/29/2020) - Thomas Vartanian Discusses the Google Case
The Hill (published 10/26/2020) - Ilya Somin Comments on Lawsuit’s Challenging Trump Administration Eviction Moratorium
Bloomberg (published 10/23/2020) - Nelson Lund on Amy Coney Barrett’s View of the Second Amendment
The Hill (published 10/23/2020) - Helen Alvaré Weighs in on Supreme Court Nominee
NPR (published 10/05/2020) - Donald Kochan Comments on Supreme Court Climate Case
Bloomberg Law (published 10/05/2020) - Donald Kochan and Adam White on Potential Environmental Cases before the Supreme Court
Bloomberg Law (published 09/29/2020) - J.W. Verret comments on the Potential Impact of President Trump’s Tax Documents
The Hill (published 09/29/2020) - Helen Alvaré and Adam White on the Impact of Amy Coney Barrett
Politico (published 09/29/2020) - Thomas Vartanian on balancing COVID relief with the health of the economy
The Hill (published 09/29/2020) - Ilya Somin on How Justice Ginsburg’s Death Impacts Nation’s Political Polarization
InsideSources (published 09/25/2020) - Adam White Advises Waiting Until After the Election to Nominate the Next Supreme Court Justice
NPR (published 09/21/2020) - Ilya Somin Calls Packing the Supreme Court a “Terrible Idea”
NPR (published 09/21/2020) - Scalia’s Son Describes the Friendship Between Justice Ginsburg and His Father
The Washington Post (published 09/21/2020) - The Friendship Between Two Giants of the Court
USA Today (published 09/21/2020) - Ilya Somin Pays Tribute to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Reason (published 09/19/2020) - Ilya Somin Advocates Abolishing the Requirement that the President Be a Natural Born Citizen
USA Today (published 09/18/2020) - USPTO Chief Speaks to Adam Mossoff About Innovation During a Pandemic
Hudson Institute (published 09/16/2020) - Donald Kochan Weighs in on Lawsuits Against the American Petroleum Institute
Bloomberg Law (published 09/15/2020) - Ilya Somin Quoted in George Will Column
The Washington Post (published 09/11/2020) - Brandy Wagstaff: Continue the Telework Option After the Pandemic for Employees With Disabilities
The Regulatory Review (published 09/10/2020) - Adam Mossoff: US Should Not Confiscate Gilead's Remdesivir Patent
Law 360 (published 09/02/2020) - Todd Zywicki Weighs in on Postal Banking
American Banker (published 08/27/2020) - Ilya Somin Comments on Kamala Harris and the Natural Born Citizen Clause
NBC News (published 08/26/2020) - Emile Khattar '19 Expands Nonprofit That Provides PPE for First Responders
CBS 19 (published 08/17/2020) - Adam Mossoff says: “Congress Should Stop Massive Online Piracy of Streaming Movies and Shows”
Newsweek (published 08/14/2020) - Forum on Ilya Somin’s Book: Free to Move
Cato Institute (published 08/13/2020) - Adam Mossoff Weighs in on Qualcomm’s Victory
Bloomberg Law (published 08/12/2020) - Adam White Calls into Question President Trump's Executive Actions for COVID Relief
National Review (published 08/10/2020) - Adam Mossoff Weighs in on the Big Tech Controversy
Real Clear Politics (published 08/10/2020) - Jamil Jaffer on How to Fight China’s Economic War on the U.S.
Barron’s (published 08/07/2020) - J.W. Verret: Innovation in Stock Trading Delayed at the SEC
The Hill (published 08/07/2020) - Adam Mossoff on The Cost of Covid-19 Vaccines
NPR (published 08/07/2020) - Ilya Somin Weighs in on Supreme Court’s Message on DACA
The Washington Post (published 08/03/2020) - President Washington Addresses Safe Return to Campus, as well as George Mason and Race
CNBC (published 07/29/2020) - J.W. Verret on DC Attorney General’s Case Against Oil Companies
Washington Times (published 07/29/2020) - Ilya Somin Says Excluding Undocumented Immigrants from the Census Count is Unconstitutional
VOA News (published 07/27/2020) - Craig Lerner on Risk Tolerance and the Coronavirus
Law & Liberty (published 07/22/2020) - Ilya Somin Comments on H-1B Visa Lawsuit
Forbes (published 07/22/2020) - Ilya Somin on Trump Taxes Decision and Congress’ Subpoena Power
SCOTUSblog (published 07/10/2020) - Helen Alvaré Responds to Supreme Court Rulings on Religious Freedom
National Catholic Register (published 07/08/2020) - Ilya Somin says State and Local Authorities Should Handle Violence and Looting
Politico (published 06/22/2020) - Thomas Vartanian on the Crisis and the Post-pandemic Financial Hangover That We Should Anticipate
The Dan Proft Show (published 06/22/2020) - A Call to Unite our Nation With Compassion and Honesty
The Hill (published 06/12/2020) - D. Bruce Johnson on Pension Forfeiture in the Case of Derek Chauvin
Forbes (published 06/12/2020) - Ilya Somin on Curbing Police Abuses
The Volokh Conspiracy (published 06/10/2020) - Eugene Kontorovich on Lockdowns and Constitutional Rights
Newsweek (published 06/05/2020) - Adam White on Redefining Business Liability Rules During COVID-19
USA Today (published 06/01/2020) - Ilya Somin Says Trump’s Coronavirus Immigration Ban is Illegal
Jimmy at the Crossroads (published 05/28/2020) - Adam Mossoff on Patent Protections and COVID-19
Townhall (published 05/28/2020) - Thomas Vartanian on “Troublous Times”
The Hill (published 05/23/2020) - Michael Krauss On Tort Immunity and COVID-19
The Hill (published 05/22/2020) - Ilya Somin’s New Book: Free to Move: Foot Voting, Migration and Political Freedom
Oxford University Press, 2020 (published 05/22/2020) - Eugene Kontorovich on COVID Closings and Constitutional Rights
Times of Israel (published 05/22/2020) - Todd Zywicki on Protecting Nursing Homes During Pandemic
Hugh Hewitt: Politics and National Security (published 05/22/2020) - Ilya Somin Weighs in on Trump's Attempt to Block Voting by Mail
Reason (published 05/22/2020) - Adam Mossoff Comments on Supreme Court Decision: Romag Fasteners v. Fossil
The Federalist Society (published 05/19/2020) - Ilya Somin Discusses What Happens if the President Contract Coronavirus
Bloomberg (published 05/14/2020) - Ilya Somin Weighs in on “Bridgegate”
Verdict (published 05/12/2020) - Adam Mossoff Weighs in on Congress and the Coronavirus Vaccine
Real Clear Policy (published 05/07/2020) - Thomas Vartanian Warns About the Second Economic Shoe to Drop
The Hill (published 05/04/2020) - Michael Krauss Weighs in on the Dilemma for Small Businesses Reopening
Yahoo Sports (published 05/01/2020) - Sean O'Connor Proposes a Layered Approach to Reopening the Economy
The Hill (published 04/28/2020) - Ilya Somin Writes About Presidential Power and Coronavirus Lockdowns
USA Today (published 04/20/2020) - Jamil Jaffer on How Adversaries Will Exploit This Pandemic
The Hill (published 04/08/2020) - Ilya Somin on Property Rights and the Poor
The Atlantic (published 03/24/2020) - Thomas Vartanian Analyzes the FDIC’s Giving Square Deposit Insurance for a New Bank
Axios (published 03/24/2020) - Thomas Vartanian Evaluates the Financial Pandemic the Country Faces and the Fed’s Moves
American Banker (published 03/24/2020) - Ilya Somin Discusses Federal Funding and Sanctuary Cities
Legal Talk Network (published 03/23/2020) - Thomas Vartanian outlines 5-point plan to deal with the financial pandemic that is coming
The Hill (published 03/20/2020) - Judge Ginsburg’s Series on the Constitution
The Washington Times (published 03/17/2020) - Eugene Kontorovich Discusses Israel’s Tracking of Coronavirus Patients
Associated Press (published 03/17/2020) - Thomas Vartanian Urges Bank Regulators to Suspend Rules During the Crisis
American Banker (published 03/17/2020) - Adam Mossoff Writes on Patent Term Extensions and Coronavirus Drug Development
Washington Times (published 03/13/2020) - Thomas Vartanian on Financial Readiness in the Wake of Coronavirus
Reuters (published 03/10/2020) - David Bernstein Writes about the Sanders Campaign
The Volokh Conspiracy (published 03/03/2020) - How Algorithms Can Help Judges Decide: Megan Stevenson Weighs In on NPR’s Podcast
The Pulse (published 02/21/2020) - Adam White Discusses Civic Virtue
National Constitution Center Podcast (published 02/17/2020) - Ilya Somin Comments on the Arguments of Trump’s Legal Team
Reuters (published 02/06/2020) - J.W. Verret Responds to Alan Dershowitz’s Legal Argument in Senate Impeachment Trial
The Washington Post (published 01/30/2020) - Jamil Jaffer Comments on the Consequences of Releasing the Bolton Manuscript
CNN (published 01/30/2020) - Helen Alvaré Comments on Public Funding for Religious Schools
News At Mason (published 01/28/2020) - Thomas Vartanian Comments on the OCC Clamping Down on Wells Fargo
Reuters (published 01/28/2020) - J.W. Verret on Biotech Firms and Money Regulations
Bloomberg Law (published 01/22/2020) - Ilya Somin Describes Differences Between Senate Impeachment Trial and a Criminal Trial
The Washington Post (published 01/22/2020) - Samanta Martinez-Villarreal and Immigration Law Clinic Helped Unite Families
Idaho Press (published 01/21/2020) - Jamil Jaffer Discusses House Impeachment Managers
Fox News (published 01/21/2020) - J.W. Verret Urges Republicans to Vote for Biden
The Washington Post (published 01/13/2020) - Nelson Lund Discusses Second Amendment Sanctuaries
The Meadville Tribune (published 01/13/2020) - Jamil Jaffer Discusses Iranian Cyber Threats
C-SPAN (published 01/13/2020)
In the News
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Ken Turchi
Associate Dean, External Affairs
(703) 993-8332