Transfer Admissions to Scalia Law
George Mason University accepts a limited number of students with advanced standing. Admission of transfer students is highly selective, with most successful applicants ranking in the top 20 to 30 percent of their class at an ABA-approved law school. Transfer students must complete two years of study at Scalia Law School. Transfer students are not eligible for joint-degree programs, and scholarship assistance is not generally available.
Students may apply for transfer admission for a fall or spring semester start and may apply through our early or regular decision programs.
Early Action (February 1–May 20): All students who have completed at least one semester (full or part time) at an ABA-accredited law school and submit their completed application by May 20 will be considered through our early action program.
Regular Decision (May 20–July 10): Only students who have completed one year (full or part time) at an ABA-accredited law school will be eligible to apply for transfer admission through the regular decision program.
Spring Transfer Admissions (December 11–January 10): All students who have completed at least 15 credits (full or part time) at an ABA-accredited law school and submit their completed application by January 10 will be eligible for transfer admission.
In general, transfer credits awarded may not exceed 30 units. Grades do not transfer. Transfer credit is given only for work that will be no more than five years old at the time of graduation. Courses in which a grade of less than C was earned are not considered for transfer credit. Transfer applicants who are offered admission will receive written notification of transfer credits awarded from the Records Office. The Records Office also advises accepted transfer students of the courses they will have to take at Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University to complete their degrees.
Deadline for Submission
The deadline for submitting an application for fall transfer admission is July 10. We understand that grades and class ranks may not be available at that time, but we encourage you to submit them as soon after the deadline as you can. Once we have received all your materials, we will render a decision as quickly as possible. We encourage transfer applicants to apply early so that they can participate in the summer write-on competition for law review and journal participation.
How to Apply
Applicants seeking transfer admission must provide the following through LSAC:
- The transfer application electronically through the Law School Admission Council (LSAC).
- A personal statement (500 words or less) indicating your reasons for applying for transfer admission.
- One letter of recommendation from a law professor at your current law school.
- CAS Report with LSAT/GRE information.
- A resume.
Applicants seeking transfer admission must provide the following directly to the law school:
- An official transcript of law school grades. Early Action applicants may include one semester of grades (fall semester). Regular Decision applicants must include entire first year of grades.
- A letter from the dean or the dean’s designee of the current law school certifying good academic standing and eligibility to continue.
- A certification of class rank. If the school does not issue class rank, a written explanation from the dean or dean's designee is required.
- Application for Virginia In-State Tuition Rates, if eligible.
Applicants who believe they qualify for in-state tuition rates must complete (and include) the Application for Virginia In-State Tuition Rates. See Section 23-7.4, Code of Virginia, and the registrar regarding eligibility.
You may request that recommendations, certifications, and transcripts be sent directly to Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University, or they may be sent to you with the sender’s signature across the sealed envelope flap. You may then send the unopened materials to us.
These materials should be emailed to lawapps@gmu.edu or mailed to:
Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University
Admissions Office
3301 Fairfax Drive, MS 1G3
Arlington, VA 22201
Transfer Applicant Interviews
The transfer admissions committee may decide that additional information would be helpful in making a final decision and invite the transfer applicant to visit campus for an interview or to participate in a video-conference interview. These interviews are offered by invitation and at the sole discretion of the transfer admissions committee.
Transfer applicants who do not receive an interview invitation are welcome to visit the law school for a tour, and may make an appointment for a nonevaluative informational meeting with an admissions representative.
After receiving notification of acceptance to Scalia Law, to transfer F-1 immigration status, the international applicant must submit the following forms and documents directly to George Mason University’s Office of International Programs and Services (OIPS) as soon as possible:
International Certification of Financial Responsibility
F-1 Student Transfer Eligibility Form
Supporting documents for these two forms.
Mail your forms to:
George Mason University
Office of International Programs and Services
4400 University Drive, MS 4C3
Fairfax, VA 22030
International Programs and Services