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3+3 Admissions Programs

The 3+3 Accelerated Programs offer highly motivated undergraduate students a fast track to earn both a bachelor’s degree and a law degree in six, rather than seven, years of study. 

After completing three years as an undergraduate and gaining admission to the law school through the specified process, a 3+3 Program participant will become a full-time, first-year law student, a “1L”, at the School of Law at Mason Square, rather than returning to their undergraduate campus for a “senior year.” A 3+3 Accelerated Program participant will follow the usual course of study for full-time, first-year law students. 

Upon successful completion of the first year of law study, the credits earned will be counted toward the JD degree and as elective credits sufficient to complete their undergraduate university’s requirements for the bachelor’s degree. The first-year law grades will not be included with the university grades in calculating an undergraduate grade point average.

A participating student who elects to withdraw from the law program or who fails to complete successfully the first year of law school may return without reapplication to their undergraduate university for completion of the bachelor’s degree.

Students pursuing the program must complete all core curriculum and major-specific courses of their undergraduate education by the end of the sixth semester of undergraduate study, take the LSAT no later than November of the final undergraduate year and obtain an LSAT score equal to or exceeding the median LSAT of the preceding year for Scalia Law students, maintain a minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA as calculated by the Law School Admission Council of 3.25, submit the entire law school application through the Law School Admission Council by January 1 of the year in which the student desires to enroll in the law school, and complete an interview with the admissions staff of the law school.

Partner 3+3 Programs: