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Checkout Privileges & Fines

Patron Category & Code Treatises **Loan Period
Scalia Law School Faculty  Unlimited borrowing privileges End of semester
Scalia Law School Students

All treatises with the exception of primary materials (codes, digests, statutes, reporters etc.), reference materials, multi-volume works, periodicals, looseleaf sets, Virginia treatises, and rare books.

*Limit 25 books
3 weeks
Scalia Law School Adjunct Faculty
With valid GMU I.D.
Same as above, *Limit 25 books End of semester
Scalia Law School Staff  Same as above, *Limit 25 books End of semester
George Mason University Faculty

Same as above, *Limit 25 books End of semester
George Mason University Adjunct Faculty
With valid GMU I.D.
Same as above, *Limit 25 books End of Semester
George Mason University Graduate Students

Same as above, *Limit 15 books 3 weeks
George Mason University Undergraduate Students

Same as above, *Limit 10 books 3 weeks
George Mason University Staff Same as above, *Limit 25 books End of semester

* Limit refers to books from the Law Library collection only.

** Renewals Patrons may renew books online up to 3 times by logging into their Mason Library Account (for Mason owned items). Not all interlibrary loan books are renewable. Please contact the interlibrary loan (ILL) team if you're interested in requesting a renewal of an ILL.

Law Library Fines

Late fees are imposed on all library items returned after the posted due date. For a complete list of late fees, see the table below.

Resource Fine Rate
Circulating Items
3 week loan
$ 0.25 per day overdue
Maximum of $10.00
Reserve Items
2 hour loan
$0.04 per minute overdue
Maximum of $25.00
Group Study Room Keys
4 hour loan
$0.04 per minute overdue
Maximum of $25.00
Audio Reserve Items
7 day loan
$5.00 per day overdue
Maximum of $25.00
Recalled Audio Reserve Items $10.00 per day overdue
Maximum of $25.00