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2025 Summer JD

SUMMER TERM DATES: Registration begins for JD students on March 25, 2025. Registration begins for JM/LLM/non-degree students on March 25, 2025. Summer classes start May 19 and end July 9, 2025. Exams will be held on July 14 – 16.

APPLICATION FOR SUMMER VISITING STATUS FOR NON-SCALIA LAW STUDENTS: Non-Scalia Law students who wish to take summer courses must apply for summer visiting status. Applications can be found on

This semester we are offering some classes in remote, hybrid, and flex format, which is reflected on the PDF version of the summer schedule.

IMPORTANT: Please check prerequisites before signing up for courses. Sort table by clicking on the column headers.

Course Name Num. (Sec.) CRN Remote Instructor(s) Days, Time Final Exam Syllabus
Automated Vehicles: Driverless Cars & Drones (DE) (2 cr) Law 247 (R01) Yes Walden MON, WED
6:00 – 7:50P
July 14



Bankruptcy Court Externship // (E) + (N.1) (1 cr) Law 270 (001) No Young FRI
10:00A – 1:00P
No Exam


Counter Terrorism Law Seminar (DE) (N.2) (2 cr) Law 654 (R01) Yes Artaega TUE
6:05 – 8:05P
No Exam
Criminal Procedure (3 cr) Law 206 (001) No Lord TUE, THU
6:00 – 9:00P
July 15


Death Penalty (DE) (1 cr) Law 138 (R01) Yes Adepoju TUE
6:00 – 7:50P
July 15


eDiscovery: Modern Discovery in the Digital Era (DE) (1 cr) Law 204 (R01) Yes Chhatwal & Keeling WED
6:00 – 7:50P
July 16



Emerging Law of Internet Seminar (2 cr) Law 497 (001) No Szabo & Roman MON, WED
6:00 – 7:50P
No Exam


Executive Briefings and Professional Presentations (DE) (2 cr) Law TBD (R01) Yes Warren TUE, THU
6:00 – 7:50P
No Exam


Federal Sector Employment Law (2 cr) Law 129 (001) No Rosenblum MON, WED
6:00 – 7:50P
No Exam


Field Study for International Students (E) (N.3) (1 cr) Law 025 (001) No Dinsmore N/A No Exam


Government Contracts (DE) (N.2) (2 cr) Law 230 (R01) Yes Diehl THU
6:00 – 8:00P
No Exam
Legal Clinic — Mason Veterans // (E) (N.4) (4 cr) Law 309 (001) No MacArthur WED
4:00 – 5:50P
No Exam
Legal Writing for Law Clerks // (E) (W) (DE) (N.5) (1 cr) Law 201 (R01) Yes Luther TUE
4:00 – 5:50P
No Exam


Legal Writing for Law Clerks // (E) (W) (DE) (N.5) (1 cr) Law 201 (R02) Yes Luther WED
4:00 – 5:50P
No Exam


National Security (DE) (N.2) (3 cr) Law 384 (R01) Yes Clarke TUE
Negotiations & Legal Settlement (E) (W) (N.6) (3 cr) Law 303 (001) No Jacewicz 5/17, 5/18, 6/7, 6/8, 6/21, 6/22
8:30A – 5:00P
No Exam


Professional Responsibility (2 cr) Law 298 (001) No Burger MON, WED
6:00 – 7:50P
July 14



Supervised Externship — VA Practice // (E) (N.7) (3 cr) Law 179 (001) No Davis N/A No Exam
Supervised Externship // (E) (DE) (N.7) (2 cr) Law 320 (R01) Yes Huber & Dinsmore N/A No Exam
Supervised Externship // (E) (N.7) (2 cr) Law 320 (001) No Huber & Dinsmore N/A No Exam
Supervised Externship // (E) (N.7) (3 cr) Law 321 (001) No Huber & Dinsmore N/A No Exam
Supervised Externship // (E) (DE) (N.7) (3 cr) Law 321 (R01) Yes Huber & Dinsmore N/A No Exam


This semester we are offering some classes in remote, hybrid, and flex format, which is reflected on the PDF version of the summer schedule.

// Enrollment with permission of instructor only.

+ This course has prerequisites. Please check course descriptions and syllabi for course prerequisite information.

(W) This course has been designated as a writing course.

(E) This course has been designated as an experiential course. Please note – for courses designated both (W) and (E), students may apply the course to either requirement, but not both.

(DE) This course has been designated as a distance education course. No more than 1/3 of a student’s required 89 credits to graduate may be distance education credits.

Notes to Schedule:

(N.1) Information on applying to participate in the Bankruptcy Court Externship was sent via LawNews email on February 24, 2025. Enrollment is done only with written permission of instructor. The Bankruptcy Court Externship program will meet at the United States Bankruptcy Courthouse (200 South Washington Street) in Alexandria, VA from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month.

(N.2) This course is open for JM/LLM Enrollment.

(N.3) Contact Professor Courtney Dinsmore ( for permission to register.

(N.4) Information on applying to participate in M-VETS was sent via LawNews email on February 24, 2025. Enrollment is done only with written permission of instructor. The clinic will meet for two hours weekly for class during the summer term. M-VETS students advisors continue to meet each week for class and office hours, and they have responsibility for the matters to which they have been assigned until the commencement of the Fall 2025 semester.

(N.5) Legal Writing for Law Clerks will meet for the first few Tuesdays or Wednesdays of the summer term from 4:00 – 5:50 p.m. with other dates to be scheduled with the instructor. Final papers will be due July 4, 2025. Information on applying to participate in Legal Writing for Law Clerks was sent via LawNews email on February 21, 2025. Enrollment is done only with written permission of instructor. Students who are accepted will be notified by the Records Office and must confirm they want to be enrolled by email to Once students confirm, the Records Office will enroll them in the course.

(N.6) The Negotiations course will be offered over three weekends, May 17–18, June 7–8, and June 21–22, meeting each day from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Students must attend every session to receive credit.

(N.7) Students must receive approval to register for any Supervised Externship program and should submit the Externship Information Form found in the Externship module on Symplicity to begin the process. (Virginia Practice Externship applicants will submit the form after meeting with Professor Davis.) To access the form, log into Symplicity and select Externship Module from the “Shortcuts” on the right side of the screen. Once approved, students will be registered by the Records Office for the appropriate externship course. Compensated externship credit is NOT available during the summer term. Remote externships sections will have remote and asynchronous-only tutorials and are available only to students who will be working outside the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area this summer and so cannot attend the tutorials in person. Students must have completed their Constructive Dialogue training (online and the winter classroom session) in order to enroll in a clinic or externship.