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About the Library

Access to the Law Library

The Law Library is open to all George Mason University students, faculty, and staff. All members of the Mason community must show a valid Mason ID to be admitted to the Law Library, and all IDs will be checked at the Circulation Desk.

George Mason University alumni and members of the bar may use the library under the following conditions:

  • Alumni and attorneys must sign-in at the Circulation Desk and present a current government-issued photo identification card to the Circulation staff.
  • The status of alumni and attorneys must be verified by Circulation staff.
  • Persons in the Library who do not meet these criteria or who violate other library policies will be asked to leave.
  • Rude, abusive, and threatening behavior will not be tolerated. This is a zero tolerance policy, and campus police may be involved for any violations of this policy.

We strongly urge attorneys and alumni to contact before you visit to ensure that we have the materials you need.

Students from other U.S.-based, accredited law schools studying for the summer bar exam may use the library under the following conditions:

  • Please have an Administrator from your law school verify your status as a student or recent graduate who is studying for the summer bar exam. The email should include your first and last name and your email address, and be sent to Morgan Stoddard (
  • Please carry and present a valid university- or government-issued photo identification card to the Circulation staff every time you enter the library.
  • The status of other law schools’ students studying for the summer bar exam must be verified by the Circulation staff.
  • WiFi access is available through eduroam or the Mason Guest Wi-Fi.

The library is not open to the general public. The library has created the following guide to help members of the public with legal assistance: Legal Assistance to the Public. In addition, a number of other libraries in the area have legal research materials (both print and online) and are open to the general public. A list of Local Law Libraries that are open to the general public is available on this website and at the Circulation Desk.

Library Policies

The Law Library expects the following from all patrons so that the Law Library is safe for all.

  • Members of the Mason community should carry your Mason ID with you. Mason alumni, attorneys, and other law schools’ students studying for the summer bar exam should carry government-issued photo ID.
  • The law library is generally a space for quiet study and research.
  • Phone conversations should not occur in library study areas. Patrons should take calls to the stairwell or Atrium instead.
  • Library and technology staff may have conversations with each other and patrons as part of providing service and supporting research. Points of service are located on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Floors. The 4th floor has no service points and may be quieter than floors with service points. Kindly let staff know if their conversations are disruptive.
  • Study rooms are available to Scalia Law students only. Law students working in groups may reserve group study rooms using the Online Reservation system.
  • Fourth Floor seating and the Computer Lounge are available to Scalia Law students only.
  • Eating is prohibited in the Library. Drinks are permitted only in containers with lids.
  • Rude, abusive, and threatening behavior will not be tolerated. This is a zero tolerance policy.
  • Patrons in violation of library policies may be asked to leave.
  • Email any concerns about the Law Library environment to Melanie Knapp


See Law Library Hours for the most current information.


The Law Library is an academic research library with the goal of having legal research materials available for use within the library. In order to provide full access to the collection and to prevent the loss of books, most library materials do not circulate outside of the library. See Patron Check-Out Privileges for a complete list of patron categories, check-out policies, and loan periods. Scalia Law School students interested in working at the circulation desk should review the page for Student Employment Opportunities in the George Mason University Law Library.


Reference Librarians are available to assist students, faculty, and other Mason patrons with finding and using materials in the law library. Please note that although the reference librarians are happy to assist users who need information, a reference librarian will not research or interpret the law for any patron. Law library reference and research assistance is available by e-mail ( with callback (703-993-8076), chat, virtual meetings using Zoom, and in-person reference (1st floor, Room 146). For reference hours, see Law Library Hours.

Borrowing Books from Other Libraries

Loans are arranged for Scalia Law School students and faculty only. Other library patrons should contact their home institution or local public library for ILL services. For more information, see our page on Borrowing Materials from Other Libraries.

Lexis and Westlaw

Lexis and Westlaw are provided to the law school through a special educational contract. Use is limited to George Mason University law students and law faculty doing research for educational purposes.