Scalia Law Community Gathers for Another “Break-fest”

On Wednesday, January 24th, Scalia Law students, faculty, and staff gathered in the law school’s atrium for the fifth “Break-fest” in an ongoing series of new events. Associate Dean of Faculty Research J. Shahar Dillbary came up with the Break-fest idea shortly after agreeing to join Scalia Law in the fall of 2023. He started the new tradition last semester. The events provide an opportunity for the entire law school community to get together outside of the classroom and share food and conversation.
The most recent Break-fest took place in the morning and featured Krispy Kreme donuts, Einstein Bagels, and coffee. A large group of faculty, students, and staff attended. Research Services Librarian Pete Vay, said of the event, “These events provide an opportunity to get to meet our students, faculty, and colleagues in other departments outside the typical settings. Even introverted librarians enjoy them!” Melanie Knapp, Associate Dean, Library & Technology, added, “I really enjoy visiting with students in the informal atmosphere of Break-fest, and the food is a real treat!”
To make sure everyone can participate, half of the Break-fests take place in the morning and the other half in the late afternoon, around the time most evening students begin arriving at the law school. So far, the response to the events has been very positive, “We received great and enthusiastic feedback from all constituents: faculty, staff and students. More recently, students have brought some board games to play during the event.” There are three more Break-fests planned for this semester: two in February and one in April. Given the positive reception, Dean Dillbary hopes to see the program continue and expand.