2024 Summer Immersion Program
The Antonin Scalia Law School’s 2024 Summer Immersion Program in partnership with Hampton University took place from May 30 – June 9. Fifteen Hampton students came to Scalia Law’s Arlington campus to learn about the American legal system; participate in workshops to hone their legal writing skills; network with professors, attorneys, and current law students; and visit Capitol Hill, the Federal Deposit Insurance Company (FDIC), and two local law firms. While currently studying at Hampton, the students came from nine states — California, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, New York, Texas, and Virginia.
Program highlights included:
- Coursework in Institutions of American Law; workshops in legal writing; and how to prepare for the LSAT and law school admissions process
- Presentations on experiential learning through legal clinics and alternative careers in law
- Tours of law firms Cozen O’Connor and Mintz with firm attorneys providing panel discussions on different legal areas of focus
- Tour of FDIC led by the program manager of FDIC’s honors attorney program and legal division recruitment program
- Capitol Hill Tour led by a Scalia Law graduate
- Closing network reception with a keynote address by the Honorable LaShann DeArcy Hall, U.S. District Court Judge for the Eastern District of New York
Feedback from the students was positive and indicated that the program has expanded their outlook of what a legal career can entail. Many of the students entered the program with a passion for social justice and an ambition to pursue civil rights law. After completing the summer session, they came away with a realization that social justice is not limited to one area of the law; rather, they can fulfill their ambitions through multiple avenues. They learned, for example, how attorneys give back through pro bono work and serving the underserved. The program also exposed students to different areas of corporate law of which they were previously unfamiliar.
Thanks to the generous support from our donors, the students’ coursework, activities, accommodations, and meals were completely covered through the program.Â
Images from the program are available here.Â