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Weijia Rao Paper Chosen as Best in Comparative and International Law

W. Rao
Weijia Rao

The American Law and Economics Association (ALEA) has identified a paper by Weijia Rao as one of the best they received in advance of this year’s annual meeting. This year’s meeting features 168 papers, selected from over 300 submissions. Of the 300 submissions, only 12 papers were chosen as the best in each subject area, with only Rao’s paper designated as the best in the Comparative and International Law subject area. Rao co-authored the article, titled The Collateral Consequences of International Agreements: Evidence from Bilateral Investment Treaties, with Adam Chilton. An event program is available here.

Rao joined Scalia Law in 2020 as an Assistant Professor of Law. She teaches Contracts and International Trade Regulations at the school. Her research applies empirical methods to the study of international and comparative law, with a focus on the legal institutions governing global trade and investment. More of her research can be viewed on her SSRN author profile page.

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