Scalia Law Celebrates Constitution Day

On Friday, September 17 Scalia Law celebrated Constitution Day. Read the Dean’s message to the law community about the event:
Also known as Citizenship Day, Constitution Day is celebrated annually to honor September 17, 1787, the date upon which the 39 delegates to the Constitutional Convention met for the last time to sign the United States Constitution.
To commemorate this significant event in our history, I invite you to stop by the Manne Room, Hazel 215, this Friday, September 17 to watch a 7-minute video excerpt of an interview between Justice Breyer and the late Justice Scalia discussing their respective approaches to constitutional interpretation. The video will be playing on a loop from 11 AM to 6 PM.
While there, please help yourself to a pocket Constitution. Justice Scalia was known to carry a pocket Constitution on his person, and Justice Breyer is known to reference his own copy in public appearances. Although often employed as a powerful symbol, pocket Constitutions provide handy access to the foundation of the rights and freedoms lawyers tackle daily.”
Students and staff dropped by throughout the day to watch the video and pick up a pocket Constitution.