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Congratulations to GMU’s Employee of the Month, Scalia Law’s Carlos Sandoval

carlos sandoval
Technology and Classroom Support Specialist, Carlos Sandoval

When the threat of the global pandemic arrived in early 2020, the law school’s technology services team stepped into action. As the team’s Technology and Classroom Support Specialist, Carlos Sandoval immediately began assessing the law school’s capabilities for remote instruction, purchasing and installing necessary equipment for remote classrooms, designing and building a series of “how to” video tutorials for student and professors, holding one-on-one trainings, sitting in on WebEx and Zoom classes to ensure smooth operations, and participating on the University’s Instructional Continuity team. With his calm and confident demeanor, and his diligence and dedication to education in the face of the pandemic, Carlos has been a role model for the University. This is a well deserved honor for Carlos!

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