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M-VETS Prevails in Securing Judgement for Veteran's Security Deposit

Casey Hunt and Michael Vlcek
Casey Hunt (left) and Michael Vlcek (right)

The Mason Veterans and Servicemembers Legal Clinic (M-VETS) represented a veteran and his wife at trial in General District Court to recover their $2,000 security deposit held by their former landlords. In a nearly five-hour-long trial, M-VETS student advisors Casey Hunt and Michael Vlcek conducted an opening statement, direct and cross examinations, and a closing argument, culminating in judgment for the full amount sought by the clinic’s clients.

“Michael and Casey did an excellent job through full trial preparations and ultimately securing a favorable judgment for our clients,” said M-VETS Assistant Director Leigh Winstead. “Like many of our civil matters, this is a case where the attorneys’ fees required to litigate would have outweighed the potential recovery; M-VETS’s representation allowed this veteran and his family to pursue their legal remedies with the assistance of counsel and recover what was rightfully theirs.”


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