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Antitrust Symposium Features FTC Commissioner and DOJ’s Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust

Christine S. Wilson
Christine S. Wilson, Commissioner, U.S. Federal Trade Commission

The George Mason Law Review and the Law & Economics Center’s Henry G. Manne Program in Law and Economics Studies hosted the 22nd Annual Antitrust Symposium, “Antitrust at the Crossroads?” at Scalia Law.

The symposium featured two keynote speakers – Makan Delrahim, Assistant Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division, and Christine S. Wilson, Commissioner, U.S. Federal Trade Commission (pictured). Panel topics included “Antitrust Litigation: a Decade Later”; “Remedying Merger Remedies”; “Reviewing CFIUS Review: National Security, Industrial Policy, and Competition Law”; and “Antitrust and Big Tech.”


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