Yasmin Schenkman
- Career Counselor
Contact Information
- Email: yschenkm@gmu.edu
- Phone: 703-993-8001
- Office: Room 172, Hazel Hall, Arlington
Antonin Scalia Law School
George Mason University
3301 Fairfax Dr.
Arlington, VA 22201
Biographical Sketch
Yasmin Schenkman is a career counselor at George Mason. Prior to joining the Career Services Office, Yasmin spent several years clerking for the Honorable John F. McCabe at the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. Yasmin earned her BA from the College of William and Mary and her JD from American University Washington College of Law. In addition to providing general career counseling, Yasmin is responsible for programming relating to Judicial Internships and Clerkships within the Career Services Office.