Steven J. Eagle
- Professor Emeritus of Law
- JD, Yale University
- BBA, City College of New York
Professional Information
- SSRN Author Profile Page
Subjects Taught:
- Constitutional Law
- Federal Taxation
- Land Use Planning
- Law and Economics
- Property
- Real Estate Transactions
- Curriculum Vitae: CV in PDF format
Area(s) of Expertise:
- Eminent Domain
- Property Rights
Contact Information
- Email: seagle@gmu.edu
- Phone: 703-993-8030
Antonin Scalia Law School
George Mason University
3301 Fairfax Dr.
Arlington, VA 22201 - Home Page: http://mason.gmu.edu/~seagle/
- Google Scholar Profile Page
Biographical Sketch
With his work in regulatory takings and other aspects of property law, Professor Emeritus of Law Steven J. Eagle plays an important role in the ongoing dialogue among American legal scholars, lawyers, and judges on the proper interpretation of property rights in the Constitution. He is the author of a leading property treatise and scholarly and popular articles, and teaches in programs for judges and the practicing bar.
Professor Eagle came to George Mason University in 1987 and also has taught at the law schools of Vanderbilt University, the University of Toledo, and Pace University. He earned his BBA from the City College of New York (1965) and his JD from Yale Law School (1970).